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Sue Riemenschneider


Office: 330-677-3430
Direct: 330-237-7587
Brimfield Office
4030 State Route 43
Kent, OH 44240
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About Me

"Working Together to Find the Right Key"

Whether you are buying or selling your home, it is a big step.  This is a personal investment, that has a great impact on your life.  I take this very seriously and make sure that I listen to what my clients want.   I have been selling homes for over 25 years.  The experience and knowledge that I am able to share with my clients, is an asset, to make the transactions go as smoothly as possible.  I feel negotiating and working with other agents on a professional level is extremely helpful to a reach a successful closing. 

There are many facets of real estate and I have been involved in many of them.  First time buyers, condo life, down size, upscale, investment, rehabs, building, land and commercial.  Over the years I have built a sphere of professionals, that will also be there to assist you, as you progress through your transaction. 

My family and I have called Brimfield Township our home for over 35 years.  I love living in a small community and having that hometown feel, as I frequent area businesses and events.  I am a proud supporter and member of St. Peter of the Fields Church-Rootstown, Akron German Family Society-Brimfield and Portage County 4H-Randolph. 

We can achieve your goals by "Working Together to Find the Right Key".

My Reviews

$225,000 6571  Peck Ravenna OH 44266, Ravenna Twp

6571 Peck Ravenna OH 44266

  • Property Type Residential
  • Bedrooms 3
  • Bathrooms 1 Full 0 Half
$79,900 1214  Chester Akron OH 44314, Akron

1214 Chester Akron OH 44314
AKRON, OH 44314

  • Property Type Residential
  • Bedrooms 2
  • Bathrooms 1 Full 0 Half
$117,000 Akron

MLS #: 5082513

  • Sold Date: 01/28/2025

$265,000 Atwater

MLS #: 5063979

  • Sold Date: 12/16/2024

$103,075 Hartville

MLS #: 5084668

  • Sold Date: 12/02/2024

$140,000 Ravenna

MLS #: 5074036

  • Sold Date: 10/21/2024

$20,000 Ravenna

MLS #: 5042774

  • Sold Date: 06/25/2024

$723,200 Medina

MLS #: 5011119

  • Sold Date: 04/30/2024

$145,000 Akron

MLS #: 5015956

  • Sold Date: 03/26/2024

$424,300 Kent

MLS #: 4499748

  • Sold Date: 12/01/2023

  • 10/02/2020 - terripawlak
    Bought and sold a for approximately $150Khome in 2020 singleFamily in Shalersville, Ravenna, OH 44266.
    Susan Riemenschneider has been our real estate agent in multiple transactions. She has shown us many homes over the years. We are very pleased at her courteousness, promptness, professionalism, and knowledge. She works in such a way as to protect the client from risks they might not wish to take, when choosing to buy. We have sold with her, also; she is very honest with presenting our home to prospective buyers. We appreciate her fine character, honesty, and her willingness to patiently seek homes that we might purchase (we renovate homes) and then show us as many as we find, as well, without tiring of the search. We recommend her highly!

  • 09/26/2017 - ajskalla
    Listed, but didn't sell myhome in 2017 .
    Came accross a miss leading ad on Zillow for a house with great deal. I worked with her as a direct client. I had some general questions about the house she said it was going to sell soon and referred me to a lender. I was approved by the lender to buy the property. I then called her to visit the house and she said that she spoke with the lender and that I would not qualify because I make too much income and that the house was public housing. She failed to mention this to me before referring me to the lender. I wasn't planning on moving until another 5 months down the road until I saw the add with a great deal. So now the pre approved loan is worthless and had to waste half of my day with the lender and had to miss work and will have a damaged credit score from the lender making inquiries . This all could have been avoided if she was just up front with me in the 1st place and told me that the home was public housing. I would avoid trusting this agent.